Axioms Of Dominion Wiki


Population is one of the core systems of Axioms. Each population has several aspects:

  • Race
  • Caste/Class
  • Faction
  • Religion
  • Nation
  • Number
  • Ideology
  • Province
  • Opinions
  • Leader


Race or species is the factor that determines the biological capabilities of the population.


A population's caste/class determines its role in society. Hunter-gatherer, farmer, crafter, merchant, soldier, scholar, etc.


Nation refers to the nation of origin of the population. Actions against this nation or populations from this nation will have opinion effects on a population based on how it feels about that nation.


Religion obviously shows what religion the population believes in. Religions have varied effects and purposes.


This is just the number of sentients represented by that population.


This is just the province the population resides in.


Opinions are the feelings of the population about other characters, nations, and populations it is aware of.


Faction is the group with which the population mostly closely associates. This could be something like separatists, nationalist, anti-militarists, naturalists, etc.


Ideology is a major aspect of the game possessed by all characters and populations as well as other organizations like religions.


The leader of a population is the character it is directly under in the hierarchy. This could be an administrative position, a noble, an archmage, or some other kind of character. Not all Characters directly lead populations.


Population represents the various demographics making up a nation. It is the foundation of the political system. Populations must be placated or controlled in some manner in order for them to support their leader. Populations are the source from which soldiers and workers and scholars are drawn. Populations also generate the magically talented, if any, for a nation.

Needs And Desires


Populations do not strictly require housing to survive but they desire it and benefit from it. Housing both provides an opinion boost based on its quality but can be required to support higher caste/class populations and provides a boost to both population growth, health, and immigration if allowed.


Food is a requirement of populations. Within reasonable limits food can be obtained directly from the natural environment of the province by the population. However providing more food than is obtainable naturally, through trade, logistics, or agriculture, allows for a higher population and population growth. Furthermore variety of food and access to spices/seasonings/condiments provides a strong opinion boost for the population towards their leaders and also is compared to the food available elsewhere to generate extra happiness and prestige/pride.


Various services are desired by the population, some of which affect them directly and some of which affect them directly and through other needs or desires such as food or housing. Assistance with inspections for safety, housing, access to water, and police services provide a valuable boost to happiness.


Communal activities, entertainment, and civic venues such as parks and theaters provide strong happiness boosts, as well as civic pride and commitment to society if superior to those available to populations in other provinces or under other leaders.


Access to jobs and careers provide a strong boost to happiness and employed populations are what produce resources, goods, and services to nations and their leaders. Characters aside from civic and political leaders can also build Buildings which provide employment and services if allowed by the laws of the nation/state.
